Hodgkin Huxley.pyΒΆ

import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import sys

class HodgkinHuxley():
    """Full Hodgkin-Huxley Model implemented in Python"""

    """ __init__ uses optional arguments """
    """ when no argument is passed default values are used """

    def __init__(self, C_m=1, gmax_Na=120, gmax_K=36, gmax_L=0.3, E_Na=50,
                 E_K=-77, E_L=-54.387, t_n=450, delta_t=0.01,
                 I_inj_amplitude=0, I_inj_duration=0, I_inj_delay=0,
                 vc_delay=10, vc_duration=30, vc_condVoltage=-65,
                 vc_testVoltage=10, vc_returnVoltage=-65, runMode='iclamp',
                 injected_current_plot=True, gating_plot=True, cond_scaling_plot=False,
                 cond_dens_plot=True, driving_force_plot=False,
                 current_plot=True, memb_pot_plot=True):

        self.C_m  = C_m
        """ membrane capacitance, in uF/cm^2 """

        self.gmax_Na = gmax_Na
        """ Sodium (Na) maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2 """

        self.gmax_K  = gmax_K
        """ Postassium (K) maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2 """

        self.gmax_L  = gmax_L
        """ Leak maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2 """

        self.E_Na = E_Na
        """ Sodium (Na) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV """

        self.E_K  = E_K
        """ Postassium (K) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV """

        self.E_L  = E_L
        """ Leak Nernst reversal potentials, in mV """

        self.t    = np.arange(0, t_n, delta_t)
        """ The time to integrate over """

        """ Advanced input - injection current (single rectangular pulse only) """

        self.I_inj_amplitude   = I_inj_amplitude
        """ maximum value or amplitude of injection pulse """

        self.I_inj_duration = I_inj_duration
        """ duration or width of injection pulse """

        self.I_inj_delay = I_inj_delay
        """ start time of injection pulse """

        #vclamp parameters
        self.run_mode = runMode
        """default is current clamp"""

        self.delay = vc_delay
        """Delay before switching from conditioningVoltage to testingVoltage, in ms"""

        self.duration = vc_duration
        """Duration to hold at testingVoltage, in ms"""

        self.conditioningVoltage = vc_condVoltage
        """Target voltage before time delay, in mV"""

        self.testingVoltage = vc_testVoltage
        """Target voltage between times delay and delay + duration, in mV"""

        self.returnVoltage = vc_returnVoltage
        """Target voltage after time duration, in mV"""

        self.simpleSeriesResistance = 1e7
        """Current will be calculated by the difference in voltage between the target and parent, divided by this value, in mOhm"""

        # plotting conditionals
        self.injected_current_plot = injected_current_plot
        self.gating_plot = gating_plot
        self.cond_scaling_plot = cond_scaling_plot
        self.cond_dens_plot = cond_dens_plot
        self.driving_force_plot = driving_force_plot
        self.current_plot = current_plot
        self.memb_pot_plot = memb_pot_plot

        self.num_plots = (int(self.injected_current_plot) +
                          int(self.gating_plot)+ int(self.cond_scaling_plot) +
                          int(self.cond_dens_plot) + int(self.driving_force_plot) +
                          int(self.current_plot) + int(self.memb_pot_plot))

        self.plot_count = 0

    def alpha_m(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.1*(V+40.0)/(1.0 - np.exp(-(V+40.0) / 10.0))

    def beta_m(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 4.0*np.exp(-(V+65.0) / 18.0)

    def alpha_h(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.07*np.exp(-(V+65.0) / 20.0)

    def beta_h(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-(V+35.0) / 10.0))

    def alpha_n(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.01*(V+55.0)/(1.0 - np.exp(-(V+55.0) / 10.0))

    def beta_n(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.125*np.exp(-(V+65) / 80.0)

    def g_Na(self, m, h):
        Conductance density (in mS/cm^2)
        Sodium (Na = element name)

        |  :param m:
        |  :param h:
        |  :return:
        return self.gmax_Na * m**3 * h

    def I_Na(self, V, m, h):
        Membrane current (in uA/cm^2)
        Sodium (Na = element name)

        |  :param V:
        |  :param m:
        |  :param h:
        |  :return:
        return self.g_Na(m, h) * (V - self.E_Na)

    def g_K(self, n):
        Conductance density (in mS/cm^2)
        Potassium (K = element name)

        |  :param n:
        |  :return:
        return self.gmax_K  * n**4

    def I_K(self, V, n):
        Membrane current (in uA/cm^2)
        Potassium (K = element name)

        |  :param V:
        |  :param n:
        |  :return:
        return self.g_K(n) * (V - self.E_K)

    #  Leak
    def I_L(self, V):
        Membrane current (in uA/cm^2)

        |  :param V:
        |  :param h:
        |  :return:
        return self.gmax_L * (V - self.E_L)

    def I_inj(self, t):
        External Current

        |  :param t: time
        |  :return: step up to 10 uA/cm^2 at t>100
        |           step down to 0 uA/cm^2 at t>200
        |           step up to 35 uA/cm^2 at t>300
        |           step down to 0 uA/cm^2 at t>400

        """ running standalone python script """
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            return 10*(t>100) - 10*(t>200) + 35*(t>300) - 35*(t>400)

        #""" running jupyterLab notebook """
            return self.I_inj_amplitude*(t>self.I_inj_delay) - self.I_inj_amplitude*(t>self.I_inj_delay+self.I_inj_duration)

    def I_inj_vclamp(self,t,v):
        External Current (vclamp)

        |  :param t: time
        |  :return: injector current for voltage clamp
        if   t > (self.delay + self.duration):
            current_A = (self.returnVoltage - v) / self.simpleSeriesResistance
        elif t >= self.delay:
            current_A = (self.testingVoltage - v) / self.simpleSeriesResistance
        elif t < self.delay:
            current_A = (self.conditioningVoltage - v) / self.simpleSeriesResistance
            print('Problem in injection current calculation for voltage clamp...')
            return 0

        #convert current to current density (uA/cm^2)
        current_uA = current_A*10**6        #convert ampere to micro ampere
        surface_area = 1000*10**-8          #surface area of 1000 um^2 converted to cm^2
        current_density = current_uA/surface_area

        return current_density

    def dALLdt(X, t, self):

        |  :param X:
        |  :param t:
        |  :return: calculate membrane potential & activation variables
        V, m, h, n = X
        if self.is_vclamp():
            dVdt = (self.I_inj_vclamp(t,V) - self.I_Na(V, m, h) - self.I_K(V, n) - self.I_L(V)) / self.C_m
            dVdt = (self.I_inj(t) - self.I_Na(V, m, h) - self.I_K(V, n) - self.I_L(V)) / self.C_m

        dmdt = self.alpha_m(V)*(1.0-m) - self.beta_m(V)*m
        dhdt = self.alpha_h(V)*(1.0-h) - self.beta_h(V)*h
        dndt = self.alpha_n(V)*(1.0-n) - self.beta_n(V)*n
        return dVdt, dmdt, dhdt, dndt

    def is_vclamp(self):
        return self.run_mode=='vclamp' or self.run_mode=='Voltage Clamp'

    def simulate(self, init_values=[-64.99584, 0.05296, 0.59590, 0.31773]):
        Main simulate method for the Hodgkin Huxley neuron model

        # init_values are the steady state values for v,m,h,n at zero current injection
        X = odeint(self.dALLdt, init_values, self.t, args=(self,))
        V = X[:,0]
        m = X[:,1]
        h = X[:,2]
        n = X[:,3]
        ina = self.I_Na(V, m, h)
        ik = self.I_K(V, n)
        il = self.I_L(V)
        gna = self.g_Na(m, h)
        gk = self.g_K(n)

        # Save some of the data to file
        with open('hh_py_v.dat','w') as f:
            for ti in range(len(self.t)):

        if not '-nogui' in sys.argv:
            #increase figure and font size for display in jupyter notebook

            if __name__ != '__main__':
                plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [7, 7]
                #plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 15
                #plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12
                plt.rcParams['legend.loc'] = "upper right"
                plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 7]


            fig=plt.figure(figsize=(7, self.num_plots * 2))
            fig.canvas.header_visible = False
            # plt.xlim([np.min(self.t),np.max(self.t)])  #for all subplots

            if self.injected_current_plot:
                ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                if self.is_vclamp():
                    i_inj_values = [self.I_inj_vclamp(t,v) for t,v in zip(self.t,V)]
                    i_inj_values = [self.I_inj(t) for t in self.t]

                if self.is_vclamp(): plt.ylim(-2000,3000)

                plt.plot(self.t, i_inj_values, 'k')
                plt.ylabel('$I_{inj}$ ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)')

                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.gating_plot:
                    plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                plt.plot(self.t, m, 'r', label='$m$')
                plt.plot(self.t, h, 'g', label='$h$')
                plt.plot(self.t, n, 'b', label='$n$')
                plt.ylabel('Gating variable')
                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.cond_scaling_plot:
                    plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                scale_na = m*m*m*h
                scale_k = n*n*n*n
                plt.plot(self.t, scale_na, 'c', label='$m^{3}h$')
                plt.plot(self.t, scale_k, 'y', label='$n^{4}$')
                plt.ylabel('Cond scaling')
                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.cond_dens_plot:
                    plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                plt.plot(self.t, gna, 'c', label='$g_{Na}$')
                plt.plot(self.t, gk, 'y', label='$g_{K}$')
                plt.ylabel('Cond dens ($mS/cm^2$)')
                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.driving_force_plot:
                    ax_here = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                    ax_here = ax1

                dna = V - self.E_Na
                dk = V - self.E_K
                zero = [0 for v in V]

                #plt.plot(self.t, dna, 'c', label='$V - E_{Na}$')
                ax_here.fill_between(self.t, dna, color='c', alpha=0.5)
                ax_here.fill_between(self.t, dk, color='y', alpha=0.5)

                plt.plot(self.t, dna, 'c', label='$V_{m} - E_{Na}$', linewidth=0.8)
                plt.plot(self.t, dk, 'y', label='$V_{m} - E_{K}$', linewidth=0.8)
                plt.plot(self.t, zero, 'k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5)
                plt.ylabel('Driving force (mV)')
                #if not self.is_vclamp(): plt.ylim(-85,60)
                #plt.ylim(-1, 40)
                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.current_plot:
                    plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                plt.plot(self.t, ina, 'c', label='$I_{Na}$')
                plt.plot(self.t, ik, 'y', label='$I_{K}$')
                plt.plot(self.t, il, 'm', label='$I_{L}$')
                plt.ylabel('Curr dens ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)')
                self.plot_count += 1

            if self.memb_pot_plot:
                    plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count+1, sharex = ax1)
                except NameError:
                    ax1 = plt.subplot(self.num_plots,1,self.plot_count + 1)
                    plt.title('Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley model neuron')
                plt.plot(self.t, V, 'k')
                plt.ylabel('$V_{m}$ (mV)')
                plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
                if not self.is_vclamp(): plt.ylim(-85,60)
                #plt.ylim(-1, 40)
                self.plot_count += 1


if __name__ == '__main__':

    if '-vclamp' in sys.argv:
        runner = HodgkinHuxley(runMode='vclamp', t_n=50, delta_t=0.0005)
    else: #default mode
        runner = HodgkinHuxley(runMode='iclamp', t_n=450, delta_t=0.01)